by admin | Jan 23, 2025 | Uncategorized
To our Dear Customers,
We would like to welcome you all back to Food Angel 2025 and thank you for your ongoing support towards a truly worthy cause. With your Kind support and generosity we are able to help people in need.
Here is a photo of the items that will be available for our very first hamper for 2025. As usual we have a great variety of products. Our hamper is filled to the brim with lots of delicious fresh food and many pantry items, clothes and a variety of household products for the kitchen and bathroom.
To order: Please contact our friendly team to place an order, so you don’t miss out.
Once again, to reduce waiting time on the pickup day, we can assist you with the complete ordering and payment process, before you arrive to pick up your hamper on Friday afternoon.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for regular updates, photos and videos.
Pick Up on Friday 24th January 2025
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Dec 24, 2024 | Uncategorized
To our dear valued customers,
We would like to take the opportunity to thank you so much for all for your ongoing, amazing support and wish you all a Merry Christmas.
We hope you and your loved ones have a safe and wonderful time filled with love and happiness. Wishing you all a Happy, Blessed New Year!
We look forward to seeing you all when we return in 2025.
0415 700 730
The Food Angel Team
by admin | Oct 30, 2024 | Uncategorized
To our Dear Customers,
Our sincere thanks for the love and ongoing support of our Food Angel Hamper service and thank you for your kind hearted donations that allows us reach more people in need.
Once again, we are pleased to share with you the photo of the content of our Food Angel Hamper for this week. As usual we have a great variety of products. Our hamper is filled to the brim with lots of delicious fresh food and many pantry items, stationary, clothes and a variety of household products for the kitchen and bathroom.
To order: Please contact our friendly team to place an order, so you don’t miss out.
Once again, to reduce waiting time on the pickup day, we can assist you with the complete ordering and payment process, before you arrive to pick up your hamper on Friday afternoon.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for regular updates, photos and videos.
Pick Up on Friday 1st November 2024
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Sep 16, 2024 | Uncategorized
To our Valued Customers,
Thank you for your ongoing support of the Food Angel hamper services . As a courtesy reminder, we are announcing changes to the customer hamper pickup day and time.
Moving forward, hamper pickups will NO LONGER be on Saturdays.
NEW Pickup Day: FRIDAY
NEW Pickup Time is: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
Pickup Location remains at the same address: 32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Aug 19, 2024 | Uncategorized
Greetings to our Dear Customers,
Our sincere thanks for the love and ongoing support of our Food Angel Hamper service and thank you for your kind hearted donations that allows us reach more people in need.
We are pleased to share with you the photo of the content of our Food Angel Hamper for this week. A great variety of products that you will be receiving in our generous hamper, filled to the brim with delicious food, pantry items, stationary, clothes and a variety of household products for the kitchen and bathroom.
To order: Please contact our friendly team to place an order, so you don’t miss out.
Once again, to reduce waiting time on the pickup day, we can assist you with the complete ordering and payment process, before you arrive to pick up your hamper on Saturday.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for regular updates, photos and videos.
Pick Up on Saturday 24th August 2024
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Aug 8, 2024 | Uncategorized
To our Dear Customers,
Sincere thanks for your ongoing support of our Food Angel Hamper service and for your kind hearted donations that allows us reach more people in need.
This week’s photo of what you will be receiving in our jam packed hamper, showcases all the delicious food, stationary, shoes and general household products for the kitchen and bathroom.
To order: Please contact our friendly team to place an order, so you don’t miss out.
Once again, to reduce waiting time on the pickup day, we can assist you with the complete ordering and payment process, before you arrive to pick up your hamper on Saturday.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for regular updates, photos and videos.
Pick Up on Saturday 10th August 2024
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Jul 26, 2024 | Uncategorized
To our Dear Customers,
We would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support of Food Angel Hamper service and your generous donations that help us reach more people in need.
Here is the photo of this week’s hamper, filled with so a variety of delicious food and household products for the kitchen, bathroom and around the house.
If you would like to order one, please contact our friendly team to place an order, so you don’t miss out.
To reduce waiting time on the pickup day, we can assist you with the complete ordering and payment process, before you arrive to pick up your hamper on Saturday.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for regular updates, photos and videos.
Pick Up on Saturday 27th July 2024
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Jun 28, 2024 | Uncategorized
Dear Customers,
Many Thanks for all your ongoing support every fortnight in purchasing hampers and your very generous and needed donations which help us reach more people in need.
Check out the photo of this week’s hamper, filled with so many amazing goodies, for all the family to enjoy.
If you would like to order one, please contact our friendly team to place an order, so you don’t miss out.
To reduce waiting time on the pickup day, we can assist you with the complete ordering and payment process, before you arrive to pick up your hamper on Saturday.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for regular updates, photos and videos.
Pick Up on Saturday 29th June 2024
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Jun 14, 2024 | Uncategorized
To our Dear Customers,
Thanks once again for all your amazing fortnightly support as well as your very generous and needed donations that are helping us reach more people in need.
Our value packed Hamper filled with lots of goodies as usual.
Here is the photo of this week’s hamper, if you want to get it, please contact our friendly team to place an order, so you don’t miss out.
To reduce waiting time on the pickup day, we can assist you with the complete ordering and payment process, before you arrive to pick up your hamper on Saturday.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for regular updates, photos and videos.
Pick Up on Saturday 15th June 2024
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | May 10, 2024 | Uncategorized
To our Dear Customers,
Many thanks for your fortnightly support and your generous donations that help us reach more people in need.
Just a quick message this week showcasing our value packed Hamper filled with lots of goodies as usual.
Here is the photo of this week’s hamper, if you want to get it, please contact our friendly team to place an order, so you don’t miss out.
To reduce waiting time on the pickup day, we can assist you with the complete ordering and payment process, before you arrive to pick up your hamper on Saturday.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for regular updates, photos and videos.
Pick Up on Saturday May11th 2024
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Mar 19, 2024 | News
To our Dear Customers,
Thank you so much for your fortnightly support and your generous donations that help us reach more people in need.
Our value packed Hamper for this week is filled with lots of goodies. We have seasonal fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh bread, lots of pantry fillers, bathroom and hygiene products, kids shoes, office stationery and much more.
Here is the photo of this week’s hamper, if you want to get it, please contact our friendly team to place an order, so you don’t miss out.
To reduce waiting time on the pickup day, we can assist you with the complete ordering and payment process, before you arrive to pick up your hamper on Saturday.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for regular updates, photos and videos.
Pick Up on Saturday March 32rd 2024
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Feb 6, 2024 | News
To our Dear Customers,
Many thanks for your ongoing support and generous donations that are helping us reach more people in need.
Our $30.00 Hamper for this week has a great range of fresh and delicious seasonal vegetables and fruit, Fresh bread, plenty of pantry fillers, a range of sweets, bathroom products, Hygiene products, office stationery and much more.
Check out the photo of this week’s hamper and if you want it, please contact our friendly team to place an order, so that you don’t miss out.
To reduce waiting time on the pickup day, we can assist you with the complete ordering and payment process, before you arrive to pick up your hamper on Saturday.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for regular updates, photos and videos.
Pick Up on Saturday February 10th 2024
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Jan 23, 2024 | News
To our Dear Customers,
We would like welcome you back to Food Angel 2024 and take the opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year.
Many thanks for your ongoing support and generous donations, helping us reach more people in need.
Here is the photo of this Saturday’s $30.00 value packed hamper.
This weeks Hamper is jam packed with lots of delicious food, a great variety of fruit, vegetables, bread, sweets, plenty of pantry fillers, bathroom products, kids shoes and much more.
Hurry if you want to get this weeks hamper, contact our friendly team and place an order, so that you don’t miss out.
Our friendly team will be able to assist you with the complete order and payment process, before the pickup day.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for regular updates, photos and videos.
Pick Up on Saturday January 27th 2024
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Nov 28, 2023 | Uncategorized
To our Dear Customers,
As we draw close to the end of the year, this will be the last Hamper for 2023. We look forward to returning next year with more hamper deals filled with amazing products and food!
Many thanks for your ongoing support of our Food Angel Hamper service including all your generous donations throughout the year.
Here is a photo of some of the items included in this Saturday’s $30.00 value packed hamper.
As always, your hamper will be comprised of two value packed boxes, filled with plenty of fresh food items such as fruit, vegetables, bread and lots of pantry fillers, sweets, bathroom products and much more.
If you would like to get this weeks hamper, please contact us, to place an order so that you don’t miss out on getting one.
You can either call our friendly team or send them an email, via the options listed below. They will be able to assist you with the whole order and payment process, before the pickup day.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for updates, photos and videos.
Saturday December 2nd 2023
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Nov 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
To our Dear Customers,
Many thanks for your amazing support of our Food Angel Hamper service including all your generous donations .
Here is the photo of some of the items included in this Saturday’s $30.00 value packed hamper.
As always your two boxed value packed hamper will include plenty of fresh food items like fruit, vegetables, bread and lots of pantry fillers, sweets, bathroom products, backpack, pens and much more.
If you would like to get this weeks hamper, please contact us, to place an order so that you don’t miss out on getting one.
You can either call our friendly team or send them an email, via the options listed below. They will be able to assist you with the whole order and payment process, before the pickup day.
You can also check out our Facebook page for updates, photos and videos.
Saturday November 18th 2023
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Oct 20, 2023 | Uncategorized
To our Dear Customers,
Once again, Thank you so much for your ongoing support of our Food Angel Hamper service and for all your generous donations.
Here is the photo of some of the items included in this Saturday’s $30.00 value packed hamper.
In this weeks hamper, you will receive two boxed making our value packed hamper. This includes plenty of fresh food items like fruit, vegetables, bread and lots of pantry fillers, sweets, bathroom products, shoes and much more.
If you would like to get this weeks hamper, please contact us, to place an order so that you don’t miss out on getting one.
You can either call our friendly team or send them an email, via the options listed below. They will be able to assist you with the whole order and payment process, before the pickup day.
You can also check out our Facebook page for updates, photos and videos.
Saturday October 21st 2023
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM sharp
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Aug 23, 2023 | Uncategorized
To our Dear Customers,
Many Thanks for your ongoing support of our Food Angel Hamper service including all your generous donations.
Here is the photo of some of the items included in this Saturday’s $30.00 value packed hamper.
As always your two boxed value packed hamper will include plenty of fresh food items like fruit, vegetables, bread and lots of plenty fillers, sweets, bathroom products and much more.
If you would like to get this weeks hamper, please contact us, to place an order so that you don’t miss out on getting one.
You can either call our friendly team or send them an email, via the options listed below. They will be able to assist you with the whole order and payment process, before the pickup day.
You can also check out our Facebook page for updates, photos and videos.
Saturday August 26th 2023
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM sharp
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Aug 11, 2023 | Uncategorized
To our Dear Customers,
Thank you so much for your ongoing support of our Food Angel Hamper service including all your generous donations.
Here is the photo of some of the items included in this Saturday’s $30.00 value packed hamper.
As always your two boxed value packed hamper will include plenty of fresh food items like fruit, vegetables, bread and lots of plenty fillers, sweets, bathroom products and much more.
If you would like to get this weeks hamper, please contact us, to place an order so that you don’t miss out on getting one.
You can either call our friendly team or send them an email, via the options listed below. They will be able to assist you with the whole order and payment process, before the pickup day.
You can also check out our Facebook page for updates, photos and videos.
Saturday August 12th 2023
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Jul 28, 2023 | Uncategorized
To our Dear Customers,
We would like to thank you for your ongoing support of our Food Angel Hamper service including all your generous donations .
Here is the photo of some of the items included in this Saturday’s $30.00 value packed hamper.
As always your two boxed value packed hamper will include plenty of fresh food items like fruit, vegetables, bread and lots of plenty fillers, sweets, bathroom products and much more.
If you would like to get this weeks hamper, please contact us, to place an order so that you don’t miss out on getting one.
You can either call our friendly team or send them an email, via the options listed below. They will be able to assist you with the whole order and payment process, before the pickup day.
You can also check out our Facebook page for updates, photos and videos.
Saturday July 29th 2023
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
by admin | Jul 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
To our Dear Customers,
Many thanks for your amazing support of our Food Angel Hamper service including all your generous donations .
Here is the photo of some of the items included in this Saturday’s $30.00 value packed hamper.
As always your two boxed value packed hamper will include plenty of fresh food items like fruit, vegetables, bread and lots of plenty fillers, sweets, bathroom products, backpack, pens and much more.
If you would like to get this weeks hamper, please contact us, to place an order so that you don’t miss out on getting one.
You can either call our friendly team or send them an email, via the options listed below. They will be able to assist you with the whole order and payment process, before the pickup day.
You can also check out our Facebook page for updates, photos and videos.
Saturday July 15th 2023
32 Box Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176
Pickup time: 10AM – 12PM
To pre-order your hamper, please call or email us on:
0415 700 730
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